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Prema globalnom istraživanju, glavni razlog zašto potrošači kupuju funkcionalne proizvode za hranu i piće je taj što traže koristi za imunološki sistem. A čini se da je doručak najpopularnije doba dana za konzumiranje ovih proizvoda, a zatim ga slijede grickalice između obroka. Dok se osobine imunološkog sistema najčešće nalaze u napitcima, jogurtu i pločicama za doručak, pekare također imaju priliku poboljšati svoje proizvode sastojcima koji podržavaju imunitet. Na primjer, pekari mogu dodati beta-glukane dobivene iz pekarskog kvasca u razne proizvode. Sposobnost beta glukana da ojača imuni sistem potkrepljena je istraživanjima. Ostale opcije aditiva uključuju kremu od tartara i natrijum askorbat. Krema od kamenca pruža imunološku podršku pekarskim proizvodima i glazurama kroz svoja antioksidativna i protuupalna svojstva. A natrijum askorbat, dobijen iz askorbinske kiseline, pomaže zarastanje, rast i razvoj. Promoviranje zdravlja probave: Proizvodi koji promoviraju zdravlje probave
HHC is a THC relatively long known to science, but until recently not often discussed by cannabis users. HHC is a minor cannabinoid; it occurs naturally in cannabis but in amounts too small to make extraction cost-effective. Since commercial production of HHC is just getting off the ground, it’s still not widely known. Most cannabinoids can be converted to other cannabinoids by altering the chemistry of the molecules. Like delta 8 THC and delta 10 THC, commercial HHC is made from hemp-derived CBD in a lab through chemical processes. HHC has one major legal advantage over delta 8 and delta 10: it isn’t called THC. How is HHC produced? HHC was discovered in the 1940s by chemist Roger Adams. He created HHC by adding hydrogen to the THC molecule and altering its physical properties. The process, called hydrogenation, is first described in a 1947 patent document. Hydrogenation modifies the structure of delta 9 THC by replacing a double bond with two hydrogen atoms, which changes its molec
Having your roof professionally cleaned regularly helps it last longer and improves curb appeal. Having your roof cleaned may not be at the top of your to-do list, but it’s definitely a home project you should consider. When you think about all the elements that hit your roof every day of the year, it’s no wonder that, in addition to being generally dirty, they are also susceptible to moss and algae growth. This task won’t be DIY home maintenance for most people; it’s best to hire a reputable contractor. An experienced professional will know how to navigate a roof while gently cleaning without causing damage safely. Keep reading to find out more about the benefits of regular professional roof cleaning. Prevents Roof Damage: Maintaining the condition of your roof is essential for the longevity of your home. Regular roof cleaning can help prevent a wide variety of damage that can occur over time, from mold and mildew to moss and algae. Regularly cleaning your roof can help prevent dama